Report to Lampov



Bring the news of the emissary's safe arrival to Irina Lazareva near the Zosim Coast.


Hurry and run to Zosim's sanctuary. Lampov needs to be informed immediately that the emissary has arrived! We must make preparations for her meeting with Zosim, and we need to request more troops from headquarters. I can't imagine how furious Yasker would be if we got the emissary here safely, only to have her killed in the night!

I'm sure Lampov will give you a good reward considering your role in our operation! Me, I need to take a breather after all of this chaos. I believe I'm entitled to a shot of good hard liquor! Maybe I can even get my commander to give me some time off next week. Now why are you standing here? off you go!


The League has no hope of winning now. The information in our documents is neatly organized, and Zosim will understand their treachery right away.

I don't suppose you know when Zosim is coming back? I suppose we'll just wait here for his return. Meanwhile, please accept this well-deserved reward from the Empire!


Experience: +1600

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