Knowledge is Power: The Seventh Lesson



Use the Apprentice's Wand to summon the Spirit of Wisdom and defeat it.
  • Spirit of Wisdom summoned
    (When you're in a group with your mentor, use the Apprentice's Wand to summon the Spirit of Wisdom)
  • Spirit of Wisdom


Slow to learn, easy to beat! Remember that, if you don't want to lose your head on the expanses of Sarnaut! In order for you to absorb that simple truth even better, I propose a little test for you, which you can only complete with the help of your mentor. Your reward for this test will be some amazing equipment! I will give you a magic wand. All you will have to do is wave it and an extremely strong spirit will appear before you, your test is to defeat it. Don't even think about trying to defeat it on your own - that would be impossible. Summon your mentor to help, and if they agree to help you, as a trophy you will receive a special Apprentice's Gift. As a sign of respect for your mentor, bestow the power of the gift on them, it will complete your test and you will receive your reward. And remember, that this test is not the only one that I can offer you. As you gain experience, the difficulty of the tests proposed by me will increase, but the rewards will be worth it!


I hope that you are a respectful apprentice and have a good relationship with your mentor. Otherwise the only reward you will get is the sympathy of demons.


You are progressing well, apprentice. You will not be disappointed with your reward! But your education is not over yet. Come to see me again!



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