The Runaway Troll



Kill the Runaway Troll and report back to the Husky Family.


You've done well, but those first two assignments were just tests. We wanted to see if you could actually handle our main concern. You see, our feature attraction at the zoo was supposed to be a real live troll!

When our ship wrecked, the wild beast took off looking for trouble the first chance he got. We know roughly where to look - somewhere where there's war and corpses. That's where the monster will go, attracted by the scent of blood.

Can you think of any places like that? Hmm, what a gloomy thought. We know - you should head to Cape Lookout where Oreshek Fortress stands. There's a battle in full swing around it. When the troll is dead, the sad story of our attempt to start a zoo will be over. When you return there'll be a reward waiting for you.


Have you found the troll?


This has been the most stressful time in our lives! We nearly ran out of hope, but your actions have salvaged the situation. Thanks so much for your help!


Experience: +880

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