The Nutty Merchants




Collect 1 Fir Cones for the Dashing Family.


Hello! Are you looking for a job? We're the Dashing Family - newly arrived from Lightwood. We're good at making a profit, so you've always got a chance if you stick with us!

Now, down to business - majestic cedars grow in Lightwood that bear cones full of tasty pine nuts! We're planning on opening a business here in Siveria to harvest, process, and sell the nuts. It's a great idea but there's a bit of a problem - there are no cedars here! We suppose firs could do, but we'll need to taste their nuts first.

We'll give you a beater to knock the cones from the trees and then bring us some for a tasting session. We're the only nut experts around here!


Oh, I forgot to tell you about the sabertooth squirrels, there are lots of them over there. But we don't need any squirrels, just the fir cones, please.


You brought the cones! Let's get those pine nuts out! Hm, why are they so small? Well, size isn't everything. Let's have a little nibble... Ugh, they taste awful! Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. Thanks for your help.


Experience: +1650

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