The Waterfolk



Kill 8 Waterfolk Marauders, 8 Waterfolk Sorcerers, and Slin the Sullen and take Ermolai's Shield to the Thoughtful Family.


The waterfolk have recently attacked Gravestein, which is a surprising seeing as Ermolai had just spoken with them and even came up with a treaty! Hm...

We recently noticed a Kanian shield on their leader. It's an exact copy of the one Ermolai wore when he stopped by here.

At first we thought that we must have been mistaken - we're sure that there are lots of similar looking shields around! But if an Orc had Ermolai's helmet, then it's entirely possible for one of the waterfolk to have his shield.

There's only one way for us to be sure - we have to check the maker's mark. If it was forged by the same blacksmith as the helm, then it really is a piece of Ermolai's armor.

You'll have to meet with the waterfolk's leader, but we doubt he'll give you the shield willingly. Kill ten or twenty of his tribesmen while you're at it so they won't dream of paying us a return visit. Bring the shield to us as soon as you find it!


Where's the breastplate? Or don't you care about Ermolai's fate anymore?


This is exactly what we were afraid of. See for yourself - it has the same mark as the helm. This is a bad sign, but let's not bury Ermolai just yet. Maybe there's another explanation for this...


Experience: +1380

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