The Squiggly Stones



Find the 3 Stones around Frozen Frontier and report back to the Slider Family in Quiet Harbor.


There are these funny stones all around Frozen Frontier. We're not too sure what their original purpose was, but we like to use them to figure out what island we're on since they each have different markings on them!

See, the Bold Hill stone has squiggles that look like this and the Shaggy Island squiggles are similar, but this one particular squiggle really stands out! And the squiggles on the stone on stone on Nordheim are something else completely! It's all very interesting!

You should go check it out for yourself! And then come back and tell me if you can figure out what the squiggles say.


Hurry up! I want to see if you know what they say!


You found them?

Oh, you don't know what they say either. How disappointing.


Experience: +780

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