Wild Nature



Kill 12 Spotty Cougars by the Sentry Post and report to Vincent Trickov.


Now that we know where the most curious riddles of this part of Ferris are hidden, we can involve the rest of our colleagues. Research in the wild nature is very exciting. It's so exciting that you can forget about the deadly dangers. And they are all around us!
I'm speaking of cougars. These predators will surely gladly feast on us, since their old food seems to be not really edible. Could you please deal with that? I really don't want the crew to go through the stress of resurrection every time.
A dozen dead cougars will teach the cats a lesson.


I will do my best to prove that their death was not in vain. I suppose the Prowls have nothing to do again - it smells like beer all over the camp.


I'm extremely grateful! Now we can work safely.


Experience: +14965

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