The Magic of the Forestfolk



Observe the forestfolk shaman and collect the three ingredients they're looking for in the Whitewood Forest for the Starry Family.


Shh... One of the forestfolk is about to pass by here... We're observing them! Isn't it interesting?

The forest people have lived on this allod for a long time in complete isolation from civilization, but as you can see, they have a proper language and social hierarchy. We believe that they also know ancient magic.

We've tried to earn their trust, especially the trust of their shamans, but unfortunately they stubbornly pretend to heal people using forest plants. We're sure that they're performing rituals in secret!

This knowledge would be very useful for the League. Unfortunately, there's a war raging and nobody cares about our research. We're having a hard time because we can't keep an eye on all the forestfolk on our own.

Their shamans are wandering the forest in search of magical ingredients at this very moment! We really need your help - six eyes, even if they're as good as ours, are just not enough.

You need to track the shamans, identify what they're collecting, and gather the same ingredients. Aren't you excited to find out the secrets of the forestfolks' ancient magic? We can't wait!


It's possible that the magic of the forestfolk originated in pre-Cataclysm times. It would be foolish not to investigate!


Wow! These specimen are so interesting! Thank you for your invaluable help on behalf of the three of us, the League, and Mother Nature. Now to figure out how they use these things... hm...


Experience: +1600

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