Long Way Home



Reach the ship and leave the White Fortress.
  • Ship reached


So this is the Thread Mistress? As far as I know, black gibberlings are gifted visionaries and fortunetellers.
Enough with the talking, the ship is about to depart. Luckily, we only need to fly a short way to the Shore City. The fortress fell because they were not expected here, but the Shore City will be perfectly defended... If we make it.


Oh Tensess... You're alive!


We thought the Light took you - it's been several days! The whole League is in panic, sinister tidings are coming from the Empire, nobody understands anything apart from one thing - somehow the Architects have broken into our world and attacked the allod of Free Traders! The most interesting thing, Yasker himself informed us in a message... I hope you have something to tell Aidenus?


Experience: +7875

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