The Fight



Summon the Ice King by using the artifact, your blood, and an Ice Element. Participate in killing it and report to Torn the Stutterer.


Everything's r-r-ready for the r-r-ritual! Remember what the savage told you - you need to use the artifact, your blood, and the "s-s-soul of ice."

I fear that the dragon is too powerful but I have come up with a way of defeating him! See those Astral c-c-cannons? Try to wound him while he's in the air and then finish him off on the ground. Kill the monster and the G-G-Gibberlings will reward you handsomely! Good luck!


Sometimes when I am deep in thought I don't notice anything around me... What's going on?


So, the dragon is dead. Are you s-s-surprised that I know? I don't want to scare you but it looks like the dragon wasn't the worst of it. That June artifact has b-b-begun to speak!

Someone has been communicating with me via the artifact and whoever they are they're very unhappy with what we did to the d-d-dragon, their accomplice.

I have a fairly good idea who it is, but maybe you ought to sit down before I tell you! There's a Great D-D-Dragon on our archipelago! That explains everything - the lava, the power within the s-s-seeds, the lack of meteorite, the r-r-receding Astral and even the appearance of the demons.

The demons have been enemies with d-d-dragons since the beginning of time, you! It makes sense that they'd attack them! Now what do you think of that?

While you're thinking it over, take a l-l-look at these weapons. Take whichever you fancy - it's your reward for killing the ice m-m-monster.


Experience: +2100

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