A Way Out of Here



Obtain the Portal Key and return to Peter Dubasov.


My colleagues and I sailed to the allod of Avilon to arrest the rebel Historians. The trip was uneventful until the very end when our ship was captured by demons just as we were nearing the allod.

Then they handed the ship's crew and passengers over to the vampires. All of my companions were eaten, I was the only one spared and only because I was suffering from a cold at the time. Vampires aren't fond of "sick blood," imagine that!

Now listen, the portal you used to get here is linked to the main network of portals for both the League and the Empire. We can use it to escape to Novograd if we get the key! That key is carried by the vampire patriarch at all times. Get the key off the him and let's get out of here before my luck runs out!


If we don't get the Patriarch's key, we're goners! Well, I'm a goner for sure !


You've got the key, that's wonderful! Did you really manage to slay that awful patriarch?! He was heading the assault on Avilon by order of the Great Mage Gorluxor. Yes, he's alive and was here just recently - I overheard some vampires talking about it. Gorluxor brought demons for reinforcements and ordered the patriarch to hurry up and finish off the Historians, saying that they've outlived their use to him.


Experience: +5875

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