The Lake Monsters' Leader



Find and kill whatever is leading the lizardmen on Icemirror Lake and return to Beech the Thickskinned.


My heart is restless. If our savior leaves, what will we do if the monsters descend upon us forestfolk? They breed very quickly, and they will soon replace those you have slain. We need to figure out a way to stop their advances.

I wonder what compelled them to leave Icemirror Lake. They lived there for years, but now they have decided to come to our river. They must have a new leader that is spurring them on, and as long as he is alive us forestfolk will never have rest.

Who could this new leader be, I wonder? Will you seek out this enemy of the forestfolk and vanquish him? Then we can be sure that our future will be free of those vicious creatures.


I can sense that their new leader is commanding the monsters to keep attacking us. He is the root of all the Forestfolk' problems.


Thank you, savior! Now the forestfolk can have peace and quiet. Whoever heard of that? A demon in charge of a pack of lizardmen!

Please stay here with us, savior! Be our god! The forestfolk will build a chapel for you and gladly die in your name! No? Then the forestfolk want you to have this gift.


Experience: +6800

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