The Nature of the Darkness
- Starts:
- Ends:
- World Mystery
- Level: 35
- Type: Single-player Quest
- Can be completed instantly
- Zone:
Coba Plateau
- Zem Pillar neutralized 6/6
- [Demonic Power Absorber] (Included)
So there's nothing wrong with Anastasia? That's good to hear. We can start on compiling the detectors' data. Let's see here...
Hmm, what a strange situation! It's a known fact that the Artifacts of Light have all of a sudden become Dark. But at the same time, there are no traces of demons or demon worshippers on the Plateau. Here are facts! Everything is clear!
What does this mean?
No, since we're here already, we need to study these artifacts in full. Their turning from Light to Dark obviously has demonic nature. I will give you another one of our magical instruments – a demonic power absorber. It has saved the lives of many hunters!
Go to the nearest anomaly on Husk Isle test it on the artifacts.
The pillars have a demon guarding them?!
Then it's true! We are here for a reason! The darkness that has penetrated the Artifacts is demonic in nature.
Well... It looks like arrived just in time!
- +250 reputation points with Demon Hunters