Pledge of Dueling



Throw the Challenging Gauntlet on the pavement of Novograd to summon the Shadow Foe, defeat him and report to Oleg Shpilev.


Do you want to prove your loyalty and earn a great Prestige?

You can do so by defeating a dangerous enemy that embodies all the bad things that can happen in your guild. Mutiny, fights, intrigues... We are humans after all... Well, not counting for Elves and Gibberlings.

I will give you the Challenging Gauntlet. By throwing it on the Novograd pavement you will shift to another plane of our realm, where you will have to face your Shadow Foe and defeat it.


Complete the Pledge quests to earn Prestige and prove your loyalty to the guild.


You have fulfilled your duty. Your loyalty is beyond any doubt!


Experience: +180

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