Baptism of Power



Visit the Site of Power in the Central League Camp and return to Mapla Joyova.
  • Site of Power visited


You haven't visited a Site of Power yet? This must to be corrected right away! Every arrival must visit these sacred sites of holy magic, be they a veteran or some wet-behind-the-ears recruit. The Holy Land must accept you, recognize you, and grant you strength. How else do you expect to do battle here?

Now, listen up. At the center of the Holy Land stands Tensess Temple, formerly one of Tep's pyramids. It has recently become inhabited by the soul of Tensess. His soul radiates holy magic which permeates the entire allod through and through.

There are places in the Holy Land where this magic escapes through the ground in a giant stream of energy. These are the Sites of Power and they are spread throughout the allod.

One of them just happens to be located right here in our camp. Go over there and bathe in its power! It will strengthen your spirit for all the trials ahead!


Tensess' soul possesses colossal power. In addition to providing all of the world's holy magic, it keeps the allod from being consumed by the Astral. That is how the Holy Land survives without a Great Mage!


Have you visited the Site of Power? Great, now I can fill you in on more of the details.

Those who control the Sites of Power control their holy magic. A third of the Sites are found in our territory, a third are found in the Imperial territory, and the final third are scattered across the front lines.

We've been engaged in a continuous struggle with the Imperial forces for some time now, but we haven't been able to capture any more Sites of Power yet. However, with your help I know that we'll make more progress!


Experience: +660

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