Spider Totems



Destroy 5 Spider Totems and return to the Jumping Family.


Um, excuse us, but maybe you could help us? We're animists. Our power is that of nature, the power of spirits. Since the dawn of time the Orcs have been our sworn enemy, particularly their shamans. Now it looks like that the Empire has stooped to using nature magic to their advantage. It saddens us to see the vileness of it all!

We have learned from captured Imperial soldiers that the Orcish shamans are also out of favor amongst their own tribes. All the better, we say!

Still, to mend their situation the chieftain must've sent one of their own to the front lines. Or maybe there's just one, a rogue, trying to prove to the tribes back home that the shamans can be formidable foes and allies!

Either way, some shaman stuck a whole bunch of his totems throughout all of Misty Slope. These totems seem to have driven the spider population wild, and that makes life miserable for the rest of us!

Finding the totems is easy enough. Just look for an area with the largest number of spiders, you won't miss it! And when you find them - destroy them! Everyone here would be extremely grateful.


The enemy intrigues are giving us quite a headache. Did you destroy the spider totems?


Now let's hope this will pacify the spiders. The shaman knows his craft, to be sure, but his tricks are yesterday's news! It's not surprising that their kind can't get along with one another.


Experience: +1980

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