Raiding the Imperial Camp



Kill 8 Imperial Watchman, 6 Imperial Veterans, and 1 Imperial Sergeant and report back to the Troublemaker Family.


Ah, it's so nice to see you! Now who are you? What was that? Oh, don't bother answering, we won't be able to hear you. It's just so loud here! So, how's it going, what are you up to? Fighting, you say? Right, right, everyone's fighting nowadays.

What did you expect? The Empire still controls half the allod - the front line still runs east to west, splitting the allod right down the middle! Or west to east, if you look from the other side, but still down the middle!

All that's about to change. Just this past week here on Misty Slope we pushed those bastards back! It must've been no less than fifty or sixty feet, and that's just the beginning!

Actually, you got here just in time. We need to secure our victory and rile some Imperial feathers at the same time! Make for their camp to the south of here and give 'em hell!


Oh, we'll show them! Our drills are always top notch and every rookie is fully trained in close combat. The Empire better watch out! So, did you mess 'em up or what?!


What's that you say? We can't hear anything! Well, judging by your smug face, your mission is complete! Hurray for that!

This will be our strategy from here on out. Swift attacks, swifter retreats. Sting the enemy, wear him out, and piss him off! With you on our side we'll drive the Imperial invaders from the Holy Land before long!


Experience: +1320

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