Turtle Shells for the Tycoons



Bring 10 Turtle Shells to the Tycoon Family at the Historians' camp.


Hey, you're not here to beat us up, are ya? Cause that big ol' Orc has us scared of our own shadows! She keeps watching us with those bloodshot eyes!

Jeez, whatever possessed us to come here! Actually, it was this one goblin from the Free Traders. He swore that the Holy Land was brimming with quality merchandise on every corner. We packed up our stuff and came here - only to find ourselves in the middle of an all-out war!

Fortunately, the Free Traders are a neutral bunch. We've got trading licenses with both the League and the Empire! No one's got a right to lay a finger on us! You should mention that to Titmit, by the way, should the matter come up. Maybe she'll listen to you.

This place is still scary as hell, though! A catapult doesn't care whether or not you got a trading license. And if we get stuck in a hot zone or cornered by some wild beasts, our neutral status won't get us far at all! Still, we wanna make some profit before sailing back home.

Our goal is to buy up a whole bunch of turtle shells. There are plenty of 'em crawling around here near the Astral shore. Bring us a few and we'll give you some coin. You'll get on the Free Traders' good side, too!


Things are getting too dangerous out here for our liking. It may be time to close up shop... Well, did you get the shells or did the turtles outrun you? Haha!


These are fine shells - strong and beautiful! They could be made into a pretty comb for some Elven fashionista or sturdy armor for a few Gibberlings.

Thanks for your help! We'll remain in the Holy Land a little while longer before sailing off. And the next time I see Plu, I'll give that goblin a real good beating for all his filthy lies about this place. May he and his big mouth feed a family of crocs some day!


Experience: +1980

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