Orders for the Guerrillas



Deliver orders to the commanders of the 3 Guerrilla Squads and report back to Stas Gorlanov.


For your next task, I need you to go deep into enemy territory.

A week ago the League landed a squad of paratroopers on the southern shore, close to SCSS.

Alas, the operation was a failure. The squad met strong resistance from the enemy immediately after landing. They were unable to secure a foothold on the shore and had to flee into the nearby jungle. They've been engaged in guerrilla warfare ever since.

We maintain communication with them on a regular basis, but now I'm asking you to deliver these letters with my orders to the commanders of all three squads.


Did the guerrilla commanders receive my orders? All three of them?


Thank you for your help. The job may have been simple, but that doesn't mean that it's less important. The letters contained reconnaissance information and my orders regarding future subversive operations in enemy territory.

With our help the guerrillas' actions will be more organized and thus efficient, keeping our losses to the minimum!


Experience: +1360

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