Purifying the Relic



Find Standstill the treant in Selva Chetou, purify the Forest Yantra from defilement, deal with the danger lurking inside and report back to Che-Go in Tequatl.


The Yantra is defiled! Defiled by some wicked heretic! It couldn't have been the Immortals - they don't know enough about our people and secrets. It's painful to even consider this, but it must have been one of us. And I think I know who...
A long time ago, there was an old magician living in Tequatl by the name of Che-Veg. He had devoted his life to seeking the truth, but went too far in his search. He was exiled from Tequatl for indecent words and even less decent actions. I've no doubt that he harbored thoughts of malice and vengeance against his kin...
But that was a long time ago, and Che-Veg is unlikely to still be alive. His wicked legacy, however, remains for us to deal with.
There is a truly ancient treant in the southeastern grove of Selva Chetou. Many years ago he has immersed himself in meditation, and ever since that day he's been virtually indistinguishable from a regular tree. Our people nicknamed him Standstill. His branches radiate purity and wisdom. Lay the Yantra at his roots and ask him to purify it. Only don't go there alone. This ritual is best performed in the company of reliable and righteous companions. I'd say at least 20 of them! The more people gather, the higher the chances that Standstill will hear you!


Why is there so much evil and hatred in a Tekyan soul? How could he defile one of the most ancient relics of his people?


You're telling me that scalawag was still alive? I shudder to think how much hatred he has accumulated in his heart over these long years! I also feel sorry for Standstill... May they both rest in peace, and may the Yantra help them to finally attain harmony within themselves and with the forest.


Experience: +5760
  • +200 reputation points with Tequatl

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