The Trader's Plan



Collect 1 Large Dragon Head, 1 Huge Muskir Spore, and 1 Tainted Treant Root from Fiercewing, Blackspore, and Sicksap and return to Leaftongue the Forester.


Ah, there's my trusty assistant! Hey you, wanna make some cash? Then you've come to the right place!

I'm thinking of supplying all my business partners with kickass bodyguards! But there's a twist - I've got my eye on lamias for the job! I know that people would snap up those mercenaries in a flash!

Just imagine - a Free Trader walking along, rich and handsome, and at his sides are two lamias, scales rustling quietly, tridents in their hands... How cool would that be?!

There's just one problem. The local lamias look down on the likes of us. They aren't exactly chomping at the bit to work for us either. But I know just how to change their mind!

First, we'll need to kill three monsters. Don't worry, they're all nearby. Fiercewing and Blackspore are on the shore to the north and Sicksap is just to the northeast of here. Kill them and bring me a piece of their body as proof. Anything that falls off or gets cut off will do!


I'm still waiting on those items you promised. Come on now, time is money!


Even a dead dragon's head is a scary sight! I'll set it atop this totem and on the bottom, I'll hang the muskir's spore and the treant's root. Just like that! It should leave quite an impression on the lamias, though I fear the totem alone won't be enough to impress them!


Experience: +1360

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