Picking Your Target



Bring 20 Manticore Fangs to Pund the Rowdy.


I don't care who wins this war. The Free Traders do business with all sides, as long as they buy our merchandise at a fair price. True, we get searched quite a lot and guards are always on the lookout for enemy propaganda, but that's no biggie. It just comes with the job!

A capable merchant can make a real fortune in the Holy Land. I have big plans, you know. My plans are to get loaded and make for... Err, never mind.

Where was I? Oh yeah! To make a fortune you need to get a good grasp on your business, and pick the right merchandise to work with.

Me, for instance, I buy manticore fangs! The creatures themselves are plentiful, and any capable hunter should be able to find a few. I'll pay you good money for whatever fangs you bring me, and we'll both end up the richer!


You can't find a manticore? How?! They're all over the place! I've never seen so many in my entire life!


Ah, now that's more like it! It's a pleasure doing business with you. I've already got a customer waiting on these fangs! If I keep this up before long I'll find myself in... doesn't matter where. Wherever I ought to be!


Experience: +2160

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