Hunting Ingredients



Bring 3 Shards of Quartz, 3 portions of Condensed Wind, and 3 portions of Gooey Ectoslime to Vitaly Oblavin.


What are you staring at? Haven't you ever seen a Demon Hunter before? Well, that's because we're not partial to either the League or the Empire. And that's because neither the League nor the Empire are partial to us.

Aye, I'm a Kanian. But I haven't been to Kania in thirty years! Even if I were to go back to my native village, I wouldn't exactly get a warm reception. I'm a stranger to those people, an odd stranger to boot. And "no longer human," if you believe those silly preachers.

Which means that even talking to me is risky. What if it gets you excommunicated, ever thought of that? Hehe. Anyway, enough of that nonsense. Would you care for some work?

I need something from those elementals. It's fortunate that they're all in the same place! Bring me quartz crystal from the quartz elementals, condensed wind from the air elementals, and gooey ectoslime from the water elementals. You may begin at will.


Elementals truly are a fathomless fount of all sorts of magical ingredients. You just need to know what you're looking for.


You have my gratitude and assurance that your efforts will benefit the entire world. And remember to pay no mind to those hypocritical priests who wish to outlaw us. They actually believe that we've changed our nature to a point where we're no longer human!

What hogwash. I'm as human as I ever was. Only stronger, faster, and generally more capable. You have to be, if you want to go up against demons.


Experience: +2160

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