The Flaming Swamp



Ignite 10 Piles of Wood and report back to Polina Lazeykina.


Hmm, I'm pretty sure Maya told me about you. She was awarded a medal recently for outstanding subversive activities in enemy territory. Operation "Jungle Mine" ring a bell?

Then again, most soldiers out here deserve a medal. Perhaps I'll get one as well when all this burns to the ground. Literally.

See, here's the thing. When the League finishes constructing their road, their troops will enjoy complete control over the Texio Swamp. Then they'll be able to push the front lines farther south, closer to our main camp. Which is why we need to do all we can to hamper the construction.

I have an operation in mind, but I will need your help. The League workers have piled stacks of wood around their camp to be used in the construction. Take this torch and burn them all to the ground.


So, how do you like starting fires? Me, I love it!


Woo, I smell smoke! I can't wait for the League to start chopping down jungle trees again. Then we can burn even more stuff!


Experience: +2100

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