Unknown Variable



Kill the Demonic Shadow and return to Sarbaz Sahure.


All of my plans for making it big in the Holy Land could be ruined by one little thing you know. Just one! That's all it takes. And that is why I always consider every component of a situation. Then such a thing will never happen!

At the moment I am worried about that shadow over there. It is a very odd creature, the likes of which I have never seen myself. I have heard about them of course - there are many rumors among the Arisen that Tep controls a whole army of them. But to see one in person... and here...

I'm sure that it's somehow connected to the attack on the outpost, but what I don't know is how it will continue to affect my business! So far it hasn't attacked anyone, but what if it was to go berserk? It could kill the pilgrims, or the people I hired to collect the tree sap!

I need to get rid of this unknown variable. It's worrying me too much! Do you think you could kill it and remove the creature from the equation? Make sure to bring some reliable comrades with you - it looks like it can handle itself.


Being a merchant can be quite complicated. We have to deal with all types of things, even incomprehensible creatures like shadows!


Excellent! Now I'll have some crazy profits, I'm sure of it! Here, take this reward for your trouble.


Experience: +2850

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