Stop, Thief!



Kill 8 Imperial Deserters, place Threatening Notes on their bodies, and return to Stone the Merciless.


We've got a real mess here! Last night the Watering Hole got looted by Imperial deserters. What's the Watering Hole? Why, that's the best place in Eljune to quench your thirst! Well, the only, but still the best. Hehe.

Those Imperial jerks snatched up all the vodka they could carry and ran off with it. I hope they die a thirsty death!

Go deal with them. You'll find them easily... I bet they still reek of booze. And to make it a lesson for all the others, leave this note on each body: "A real scumbag. Died from drowning in stolen vodka. - The Free Traders' Mercenaries." Deal?


I swear - not another swig from the bottle until I find and kill every last bastard that looted The Watering Hole.

Well, maybe just one little brewsky...


The deserters are dead? Serves them right! Maybe they'll think twice about stealing our booze next time!


Experience: +1520

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