Do You Take Me for a Fool?



Find a captain at the Takalik Harbor who will venture to the Edge of Eternal Night.


Here's what we need to do. In the western part of Eljune there is a place called the Edge of Eternal Night. There is a very potent Site of Power situated there, and that's where the animals appear to be running away from. No one knows what's going on there, and that's what we must find out!

I cannot send you there because your life is too valuable to the Empire. I've given this a lot of thought and the only replacements I can think of are the desperate sailors from Takalik Harbor, which lies in the northwestern part of Eljune.

Here are your funds. Now go find some reckless captain and convince him to venture to the Edge of Eternal Night. His scouting report will be very useful, and if he doesn't come back at all then we'll know it's really serious!


So you want us to go to the Edge of Eternal Night? No animals ever go near that place. Well, we're not dumb like animals, and we've been to places you couldn't even imagine, baby! But it's gonna cost you. Let me see that purse again... hmm...


Alright, I'll do it! After all, sailing to the Edge of Eternal Night ain't the same as supplying the Empire with ammunition while under fire from the League's ships. We've got a deal! We'll come back soon and let you know what happened.


Experience: +6800

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