The Heart of the Ship



Use the Neutralizer to destroy the magical shield, kill the Fire Elementals, and talk to Sarang Khafre.


See?! They're destroying the reactor, and without it we're doomed! Some blasted Kanian cleric created a shield that's blocking our access to it, too.

Do you see those fire elementals? Those damn Kanians probably summoned them there. It's only a matter of time before they completely obliterate the device!

We have to destroy the shield! Take this neutralizer and help the other technicians remove the cleric's shield. After you destroy the shield, kill those fire elementals at once!


Those fire elementals make it pretty hot in here...


Perfect, the reactor is back under our control! Here, take one of my weapons, I'll be too busy trying to fix the reactor anyway. Oh no... the captain is going to kill me! One of the League assault troops stole something very valuable from us!


Experience: +780
Recruit's Bow
Warrior, Scout

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