Values-Based Brigandry



Put on the cap with the Empire's insignia and attack the colony of scientists in Tipsy Thicket. Seize the Empire's secret technology and report back to the Peppy Family.


Yaver Tao swears that the Empire isn't carrying gold. They want to pay using the secret technology. What does that mean for us? It means the goblins might decide that it's a better acquisition!

This is no good... We've never gone down the slippery slope of intrigue... But we just can't let the Empire win that auction or, perish the thought, the war as well! It would be the end of Sarnaut and all that is good and right! Just look at that Yaver Tao!

Imperial scientists are transporting the secret plans... What if we could capture them in Tipsy Thicket? That would kill two birds with one stone - we'll cut the Empire out of the auction and get our hands on the enemy's technology! It'll be a legendary operation! You'll have a fight on your hands - the scientists will most definitely have security, and they might have one or two experienced sorcerers. But we believe in you!

The most important thing is that nobody can suspect the League. Absolutely not! During the operation, wear the cap of an Empire defector. Let them suspect that scum.


Just don't forget to put on your cap on for the attack. Light forbid that anybody suspects us!


The plans! Let's see if they're really worth all that gold!

Do you understand anything? We don't either! That's why we're out here in the middle of nowhere instead of back in the capital, in a nice scientist's office, with a leather chair big enough for three Gibberlings! Well, whatever! That's not what matters. The Empire's out of luck. The holy weapons will be ours!


Experience: +5700

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