The Deserter Hunter



Escort Clack the Merciless out of the deserter camp and return to Nomarkh Userkaf.


You're not a deserter? Not a traitor? Praise Nezeb! They... they were gonna grill me on that bonfire and then stake me up. With you here, now I'm saved!

Please... don't leave me. There's so many of them, and they're evil and hungry and full of hate. No wonder, 'cause we get to sleep in warm barracks and they don't!

I too was sent to kill the deserters and collect their badges. Ain't got a single one yet. They managed to overpower me pretty quickly. I might have I failed the order, but I'm still a loyal soldier to the Empire! If I could leave this place I'd run back to camp and continue serving my country!

It's just that... there are too many of 'em. Help me get out of here, it's not that far to the woods. If you can get me to the trees I can make a break for it on my own. Now come on!


Did something happen?


Clack the Merciless? Hmm, I never gave him the order to kill the deserters. He must have been told to do so by Colonel Batalov to the south. With the whole army after those scum, the deserters will be wiped out in no time!


Experience: +1480

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