Missionary in Trouble



Escort Father Yefim Polivanov out of the deserter camp in Jakala Ruins and report to the Peppy Family.


Repent! Let the glorious, all merciful Light descend on you! Bend the knee! You have forgotten the council of your commanders, the will of your father, the love of your mother! But all that will return, as long as you repent!

You showed much courage by leaving the forces, so have the courage to return! The army awaits you! We need you! The Light will not forsake you, so repent now!

You there, have you repented? Huh! You are no deserter. Look at them. Look at this great warrior! They truly love their country! Their weapons shine under the sun, and in their chest beats a loyal heart! You can be like them, you only have to repent! Repent now!

...To be honest, I don't think my words are reaching these renegades. I beg you, help me get away from here! I feel not like a messenger of peace, but like... a prisoner. I also heard something about a ransom. I implore you in the name of the Light - please do not abandon me here! Lead me out of this peril!


Got any news?


Whoa! The Father should pray for you for the rest of his life! Lucky son of a gun!

You see how it all comes together? We do our part and the Church does what it can, and sooner or later we'll get these poor souls back into our ranks. That's how we're gonna wring the neck of that Imperial hydra! Yeah!


Experience: +1520

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