Two Heads Are Better Than One



Capture a Lake Lizard Female for Forestfang the Fierce.


A cage is just the place for this lizardman! Look at that pond scum gawking at us! Muahaha... Some lizardmen were dumb enough to try and attack the port. We minced them good, but we caught this one and put him up in a cage.

After we had our fun we wanted to put him out of his misery, but a Free Trader recommended a sweet little deal. He said we could sell this slime ball to the Suslanger Zoo for a good chunk of cash.

And an even better chunk if he had a scaly chick to go with him. Picture that! All the folks at the zoo are gonna stare at these two creeps do their... woohoo... Awesome, huh?

I like the idea just fine! The darn thing is, I can't get away from the cage. My buddies would snatch him and sell him to that Trader, gal or no gal, and then go off to some bars - good luck finding them then.

But you and me, we're no monsters, right? We won't let the poor slime ball die in Suslanger with no womanly affection. So why don't you go and catch him a honey with this lasso I got. There are lots of the filthy creatures west of here, creeping around the lake. Then we can pawn this sweet couple to that Trader. Deal?


Look at him sitting there, baring his fangs at me! Don't you see - I'm trying to take care of you! Hold on a little longer and we'll bring you a nice babe.


That's just what we need! Hey you, lizardman! Here's a girl for you! Hey, look at that sparkle in his eyes! You da man!


Experience: +1600

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