Werewolves in the Holy Land



Kill 10 Fierce Werewolves and 8 Fierce Werebears and return to Peter Iliev.


Woe is me! Zosim left without saying a word, and then the sun set. Now the Light is no longer reaching us, and darkness has covered us like a blanket. Before, Zosim would sit by this outpost and teach the pilgrims eternal truths. Birds sang in the air and warmth overflowed the world.

But now he is gone and darkness has brought us many ferocious werebeasts. I feel like dropping everything and leaving to search for Zosim, but I cannot. Before he left, he said to me - do your duty first, and always place the needs of others above your wants and wishes.

Now many pilgrims are coming to this land, unaware that Zosim is missing and the woods have become dangerous. Werebeasts attack people in broad daylight, and I hear some people never reach the sanctuary.

Please protect us - I know you have a tender heart. I will pray for you until the end of days if you help destroy those evil creatures!


Much blood shall be shed until Zosim comes back! It seems the werebeasts can sense that our Light has gone out and the sun has set. Now they spread terror all around and devour travelers at will.


You bear glad tidings! No longer will the werebeasts spread terror on our roads! Tell me, did you see any signs of Zosim in the forest? Oh where can he be, the sun of our lives?


Experience: +1600

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