The Werewolf in a Pilgrim's Clothing



Use the Silver Amulet on Matvei Volkov and defeat Bloodmaw before returning to Peter Iliev.


I can feel the darkness! Right here in this sanctuary! Oh, if only Zosim were here. He would immediately cleanse this evil!

Who could be the source of this dark energy? I have a guess, but I cannot be certain. His name is Matvei Volkov and he's a pilgrim that recently arrived. He's unsociable and strange. I could have sworn I heard him growl sometimes, and he vaguely smells of blood.

We must find out his true identity immediately. Take this silver amulet. If he is a werewolf, then when you touch him with it he will be forced to show his true form. Then you must defeat the evil creature! And if he is not a monster, then I suppose I shall apologize to him later.

One more thing - do not go to him alone. If he truly is a werewolf he must be a very powerful one to maintain that disguise for so long. Gather a group of friends and then use the power of the amulet.


Oh, what if I am wrong and I am simply making false accusations. Zosim, why aren't you here?


So what I feared was true! To think that such darkness was right in the heart of this sanctuary. Thank you so much for your help!


Experience: +3000

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