Audience with the Great Mage



Follow Svetobor Ratnev and listen to the speech of the Great Mage Clement de Desirae.

  • Follow Svetobor Ratnev
  • Wait for the Great Mage's speech to end


May the great Tensess light your path! Welcome new recruit! Let's make haste, Clement de Desirae, the Great Mage of this allod, is about to begin his speech.

After the speech we'll attend the grand banquet. Let's be sure to not stay too long, as the ship to Novograd will sail later this evening. Now follow me, let's hope we're not the last ones in attendance for the Great Mage's speech.


A thousand Astral demons take me! Clement de Desirae, the Great Mage... He's dead! Damn whoever's responsible for this! This tower will soon be consumed by the Astral, along with the entire allod!


Experience: +110

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