Search and Confiscate



Bring 4 Dark Artifacts to Afanasy Firov.


All that the soldiers are talking about is where they managed to steal artifacts. Those damned heretics aren't even ashamed to do it right in front of me!

The darkness has consumed their souls! I told the Gallant Family that what we need is a few fires. The sight of a few charred corpses will quickly change our warriors' attitudes towards these artifacts. Unfortunately, our military commanders are too soft...

Your orders from the Church are as follows - go through the soldiers' things and confiscate any and all dark artifacts that you find.

You are to obtain these artifacts at any cost. If they try to stop you, your hand shall not falter - slay them in the name of the Church of Light!


I sense darkness all around us! It has nestled into the souls of the League's sons and daughters! We must remove it immediately!


My heart aches at the sight of how low our warriors have fallen... Excommunication shall be the fate of all those who brings dark artifacts into the camp!


Experience: +8200

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