Cough Medicine



Collect 12 pieces of Raw Moss for Helene de Grandeur.


What possessed us to come out here? Hurk ack ack ack... Look, I'm getting it too! It's all this sand - it clogs up your lungs! A good portion of our troops are suffering from it. There's two in the infirmary as we speak, coughing their lungs out. I'm worried they'll be traveling to Purgatory before too soon.

Ack hack...We must do something about this as soon as possible. I only know of one surefire remedy... It's made from raw moss. But where would you find it in this steppe?!

We mustn't give up! I heard that there are termites to the south of here. They could've hauled some moss in from the west to line their mounds. Could you take a look and maybe get some moss for me?


Hurkak... How are your lungs? Hack... Are you coughing now too?


Uhuck uck... Ugh, I feel terrible! Hurry, hack... give me the moss, I need to go prepare the medicine right away... Thanks again!...


Experience: +1680

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