The Path Through the Cordon



Speak with the Tussling Family about getting through the Cordon.


Since you brought the report, I'd guess that you're a Prospector too. But it's no big deal if you aren't... just as long as you're not a goblin!

To the east of here is a gorge that splits Coba Plateau in two. That's the Cordon. Past it you'll find four anomalies that are full of valuable artifacts, goblin weapons, and, unfortunately, mafia enforcers.

The mafia protects the Cordon at all times. There are some bridges stretched over the gorge, but they're all under mafia control too. So, how do Prospectors manage to get through the Cordon? They've yet to grow wings, to my knowledge!

We'll never stop trying to get to the other side. Our boys are trying to capture the northern bridge as we speak. If you want to help the Traders and make it past the Cordon - it's not likely, but hey, you might get lucky - then hurry over to the Tussling Family. They're the Gibberlings that are heading up the attack.


Hold it! Where do you think you're going? To help? Hah! It's so convenient that you guys are real eager to help... After we've already taken the bridge!


Experience: +1050

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