The Ogre Hunt



Kill Boog for Victoria Yakoleva.


It's good that Gorislav sent you. We've got a real nightmare on our hands... It's those ogres! Those monsters have taken a liking to eating intelligent creatures. And they don't care where they get their meal! They've been known to drag fallen soldiers off the battlefield and attack wandering Prospectors.

How terrible! I can't even visualize it without feeling a burning desire to throw it all away and run. I don't care where, even if it's into the arms of the Imperial Army!

Something must be done! Those cannibals must be dealt with, especially their leader, Boog. I suspect it was him that started up this terrible diet among that clan. As long as I can remember, the ogres have always settled for wolf meat and never complained.


I barely got any sleep last night... I kept imagining those ogres cooking me in their enormous cauldron... Oh, what am I talking about - what cauldrons?! Those monsters are more likely to gobble you up alive! I better start thinking about something else or I'll lose my wits!


What? No more Boog? I can't believe it! Oh, Light, have you at last illumed the Mountain Crag?! Come here, let me give you a kiss!


Experience: +3780

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