Zem Manuscripts



Find 4 Zem Manuscripts in the anomalies beyond the Cordon for Thibault de Desirae at the Historians' Camp.


Those pirates have cost us so much time! We're just sitting here while the Prospectors and the mafia goons are scouring the ruins as we speak! I shudder to imagine someone's careless boot stepping on and breaking some fragile historical document! Ugh, I don't even want to think about it!

We know that the Zem people were big bureaucrats and recorded on paper or carved onto tablets every little fact. Everything from the number of cows a bride got as her dowry to complex astronomical observations. Our first order of business is to search the ruins for ancient manuscripts. And please, hurry!


There are Zem ruins beyond the Cordon where Historians have never set foot before! Who knows what kind of treasures they hide.

They may even contain ancient manuscripts...


Careful! I said watch it! These are ancient manuscripts... And in mint condition to boot. It's obvious that the ruin had only been discovered recently. It will take some time to translate all this and even more time to understand it.


Experience: +16060

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