Fuel to the Fire



Bring 8 Dry Gargoyle Horns and 12 Sandy Spider Carapaces to Sarang Eshe.


Most creatures that live in the Dead Sea ask themselves every day, what is that strange dome? I don't know how the people at Laguna Boil take care of this, but we choose to spread gossip to fool people! We say that the dome is a lethally dangerous natural phenomenon, and if you come too close it'll suck you into oblivion! In time all gossip, even the most improbable, loses its appeal.

That's why we're planning to spread a new story about aliens from the other side of Astral. We'll say that they're intelligent creatures and more terrifying than the demons! They'll travel in flying saucepans, and we'll say that one of them crashed right here in the middle of the desert! And these domes are their secret bases where they carry out devious experiments! You can't imagine how easily the local savages will believe this junk.

But first we need to pour some oil onto the gossip's fire. Bring me spider carapaces and gargoyle horns from the creatures near the Cimmerian Ziggurat.

I can use those to make some very convincing props...


The crazier the gossip, the more people want to believe it. Everyone wants to hear something juicy. Silly creatures...


Here's the reward for your help. Now I need to make some preparations before we can set these things up.


Experience: +810
  • +250 reputation points with Arisen

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