The Ship of the Dead



Explore the ship, kill Frostbones and return to Sarang Userkare.


Hello there. I'm Sarang Userkare and I'm here with the Imperial scientists that are investigating this allod.

Now look what I found... It's a Xadaganian ship, and I've been watching it for a while. Hordes of undead are pouring out and moving deeper into the allod. I don't know how many there are in all, but they're headed by this truly abominable skeleton.

I've dubbed him Frostbones. If he's taken out, it may stem the tide of the undead. Please get in there and kill him as soon as possible.


There are more people in this world that are dead than alive. That's how it is and that's how it always will be.

But the undead don't just rise out of their graves on their own - someone is helping them. If we only knew who it was! Anyway, did you make it onto the ship? Has Frostbones been neutralized?


The ship is full of piles of bones? That explains why Coldberg is crawling with the undead. A seasoned necromancer can easily turn those remains into whole armies of the living dead. I wonder where that necromancer is now. Safely holed up somewhere on this allod, I bet. What I wouldn't give to find that scoundrel and flay them alive!


Experience: +7590

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