The June Curse



Use the Desorotype at the ruins in the woods and return to Antoinette de Grandeur.


The forest to the south is the most terrible of forests, one that is abandoned by all the animals. Apparently that is where the ruins of the main city temple are located.

One of the inscriptions near the statue said... I hope I got my translation right... it said, the Itsmal temple has a depiction of the Curse. It says it's a three-dimensional one, so it can't be a mural. Could it be a statue?

I don't know if this object has been preserved, but we must check it out. Head to the southwest, to the place where the Itsmal Ruins end and the woods begin. Use the desorotype there and take an image of this object. But be extremely careful - I have a bad feeling about that place...


Another puzzle. Why would the June depict their own Curse in their main temple?


So, you got the image! Oh my Light! That isn't... That looks an awful lot like a demon, don't you think? Yes, the image is stylized, like everything the June left us. But these tentacles, this evil grin... Can it really be true?

I know that the Tka-Rik Revelation claimed the June discovered a portal into another world. It said they summoned demons who later destroyed them. But no respected Historian believes that story. Although now... it appears there may be some truth in it.


Experience: +8200

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