Creatures of the Forest: Primal Boars



Kill 10 Primal Boars and return to Ziva the Nomadic.


Part of becoming one with nature is to learn to hunt, as most beasts do.

Real shamans need to learn how to stalk their prey, descend upon them quickly, and most of all - enjoy the rush of the kill!

Lucky for you, the Kingdom of Nature is one of the best places to hunt! It's filled with all sorts of wild beasts. I suggest you start your training with the boars around here. They can be found near the border to the Shadowy Mire. What are you waiting for, do your veins flow with fire or not? Can't you feel your heart beating faster when you think about the hunt? Then get going!


Many say that I have become too bloodthirsty, but I know that the essence of a shaman's nature is to hunt!


Good job. Those boars aren't the hardest things to kill, but it's a good start.


Experience: +2400

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