Aberrations in the Kingdom: Shersto



Kill Shersto the ogre chief in the Frostpaw Hills and return to the Leafy Family.
  • (Kill Shersto, the ogre chieftain)


The Imperial shamans' camp is located on the other side of the Kingdom of Nature in the Frostpaw Hills. It's surrounded by large ogre guards. They're complete idiots, but they're also rather dangerous. The weakness of the shamans is quite apparent, is it not?

If they weren't afraid of us, they wouldn't have to keep those things around to protect them! We need to demolish these forces immediately. The leader of the ogres is named Shersto, and he lives in the northern parts of the hills. If we manage to defeat him, the ogres will lose spirit and flee, abandoning the Imperial shamans.

So, is your task clear? Go kill Shersto immediately! But make sure to bring some friends - for all his lack of brains, he's still quite tough!


Orcs and ogres, they're quite suited to each other! They're both ugly and barbaric!


Hurray! Shersto is dead! The animists and the druids have prevailed!


Experience: +1000

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