The Big Hunt: Primal Black Wolves
- Starts:
- Ends:
- Level: 15
- Required level: 15
- Type: Single-player Quest
- Side Quest
- Repeatable (daily)
- Zone:
Kingdom of Nature
Kill 8 Primal Black Wolves and return to Bogdan Kochakov.
- (Kill 8 Vicious Wolves)

I have another task for you. This time we must protect the young druids and animists. If you could offer your assistance once again, I would be very grateful.
To the south of here, among the dense Dogberry thickets, there are many black wolves. Lately young and inexperienced wardens who go to collect the berries have become their prey. While it is our duty to respect all living creatures, this does not mean we should turn a blind eye to the deaths of our friends! They must be taught to leave the wardens alone.
Once druids kept wolves as their pets, but this was stopped because rage will always live in the beasts' hearts!
There is room for all in the Kingdom, even terrible creatures like wolves. The main thing is that you need to keep the upper hand.
Experience: +2500