Battle on the Bridge



Plant four magic bombs on the bridge across the ravine, and detonate the bombs from a safe distance. Report back to Lord Krosus when you have completed your mission.


The most fierce battles rage on to gain control of that damned bridge across the gorge. Every hour our forces exchange blows with demons back and forth.

We need to achieve ownership of that passage way in order to gain advantage over the demons! I prepared some magic bombs. Sneak on to the bridge when the next wave of demons come our way and plant them in the perfect spot. The stone slabs at the edges of the bridge should fit nicely.

Be sure to move away to a safe distance, wait for the demons run across the bridge, and detonate away!


I've heard a loud crumbling - was that clamor from my mana bombs? Or was that just another collapse?


I probably went overboard with the power of the charges. At least the bridge is still intact for our usage. No worries, the bridge carries ancient history. It was enchanted by dragons, so it will endure the biggest explosions.

By the way, I managed to collect three more bombs. Would you like to see fireworks again?


Experience: +510

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