Chosen One of the Empire



Find the Chosen One of the Empire that needs help and save him. The results must be informed to Lord Dray.


Now you respect the Empire as a powerful ally, but you have take a step further and understand that they are the same beings like you. They also have their fears and hopes, talents and shortcomings. And perhaps, in time, you can accept and love them as if they were your allies.

I want compassion to help you make the first step towards love. Chosen of the Empire needs your help. Help him like you help your own kind.


How do you feel saving your former enemy's life? Besides the unnatural feeling that you're proud of your nobility, huh?

Have you ever been to Nezebgrad? Have you ever admired the grand Xadaganian architecture and awesome monuments where one can see fresh flowers everyday? Have you been fortunate to see the elevation in the eyes of Orcs that have just scored a winning goal or studied philosophic works of Zem?

Admiration of Imperial citizens' devotion, bravery, and desire to learn will help you to step over the existing hostility. Shared values - that's what can unite our two factions.


Experience: +3060

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