Avenging the Chosen One of the League



Kill 12 Wraithful Demon Mages and their leader, Gishna the Reaper. The results must be informed to the League Chosen One.


Demons... They wounded me... It hurts...

You're not going to finish me off? That's rather odd for a representative of the Empire.

Then listen! Once our ancestors fought together against these Astral incarnates! It's time for to join forces once again!

Avenge me, kill the slimy demons and their leader. It was they who...


One thing I ask you, Tensess... Don't let me die without being avenged!


What do you feel when you save your former enemy's life? It is not so much unnatural but a noble action of which you are really proud!
Have you ever had Kanian pancakes while washing them down with Gibberling malted beer? Have you ever had a chance to listen to a symphony written by an Elf and performed by a string quartet? It's all ahead of you, and it is going to take you to cloud number nine.
The Spark cannot resist beauty, whatever the source. Beauty is the sole uniting force!


Experience: +3825

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