Travel to Uncertainty



Get aboard the Astral Barge and go on a journey. Listen to Gorislav carefully. He might want to tell you something very important.
  • Go on a journey and reach the strange place


I like to send letters. No, really. I have a feeling that in the future sentient beings will forget how to write letters... They will find other ways to send information. A letter will no longer be associated with white paper, fancy handwriting, envelopes and beautiful stamps which smell of glue. A letter will become a data pack, pure information sent from a sender to a recipient... That doesn't sound much fun... don't you agree? Hopefully, that time won't come too soon.

Anyway, I digress. So, you are here because of my letter. You are wondering what I might need from you, right? I need a little favor. I need to crack the shell in which you, beings who inhabit Sarnaut, hide in since birth: You don't notice obvious things. You are so comfortable living in a world of illusions and sweet lies that only a decent kick will make you think again. I am going to kick you with my leg, ha!

I didn't mean to kick you literally. But there are some people I want to kick so hard... And then punch their empty heads. No-no, I'm not talking about you.

So, the time to reveal mysteries and punish the guilty ones has come. The final scene of the greatest play in the world is about to begin!

Get aboard the Astral Barge and make yourself comfortable. We are leaving! Where are we going? It's a surprise! I like surprises, you know.

I will reveal some details of the plot while we are sailing. I'll be your guide, ha ha!


Are you the new one?


You have the great honor of hearing the Truth from the Master himself!


Experience: +3575

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